Navigating the Emotional Rollercoaster of Wedding Planning

Emotional rollercoaster

Wedding planning is an emotional rollercoaster, from the excitement of your engagement, to feeling overwhelmed during your vendor search, to the pure bliss you’ll experience on your big day. Know that it is 100% normal to feel all of those emotions! You’re planning a huge celebration and there are A LOT of moving parts that go into it, both fun and tedious, so you’re bound to feel the ups and downs. Here’s our advice for navigating some of those emotions.

Your engagement is an exciting step in your relationship! You’ll want to shout it from the rooftops as soon as it happens. Soak up those moments. Lean on those moments when the stress starts to creep in. After all, you’re getting married, and that’s something to celebrate!

Once you really dive into wedding planning after your engagement, you may begin to feel overwhelmed. Between the seemingly never-ending to-do list, wedding terms you’re not familiar with, and searching for the perfect vendors, it’s easy to get lost in a sea of uncertainty. Remember – you’re not alone! Ask your family for help talking tasks, chat with your married friends for their best tips on getting organized, or check out all the helpful info on Marrily Ever After!

Feeling like there’s no way you’ll be able to make it all happen if you don’t take care of everything right now? Take a deep breath. At the end of your journey, you’ll be marrying the love of your life and setting off on a new adventure together! Until then, take it one step at a time. Schedule time on your calendar to work on wedding planning. Laying it out over the course of a year will give you the comfort of knowing there’s a plan to build your perfect day without running out of time.

Tough decisions, unwanted opinions, and even your budget can cause stress throughout the planning process. When you’re feeling stressed, take a step back. Unplug from wedding planning for a day, or a week if you need it. Grab your honey for a fun date night or a relaxing weekend away. Come back refreshed and ready to tackle those troublesome tasks together.

If no one told you yet…YOU’RE DOING GREAT! Everything you check off your to-do list gets you another step closer to your wedding day, no matter how big or small it may be. And that’s something to celebrate.

Ready to take on planning the best day ever at Mercantile Hall? Request a pricing guide, schedule a tour, and ask out our Coordinator Packages. We’re here to help!

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